About Us

What is The Society?
The Society also assists in providing additional employment opportunities. This is a benefit to our members as a way to have firms, carriers, and other potential employers reach out to offer claims work when they are looking for a Certified General Adjuster, rather than looking elsewhere. Our members also receive higher compensation at times from certain employers who pay a higher fee for the expertise and experience of an adjuster who has the CGA or CFGA designations.
Turn To Us
We are who you turn to. One of the benefits of being part of The Society, is that we are an organization of specific, experienced adjusters, rather than just some social media claims group, or a self-appointed title. Many firms/carriers reach out to us to find members to handle certain assignments rather than just assigning to an ordinary adjuster who may or may not have the experience and skill set to handle it the best way possible. We don't deploy anyone. We are not a firm. We certify through our process and Board of Directors, that members of The Society are qualified, experienced adjusters. Insurers understand that when an adjuster with the CGA/CFGA designation seeks work, that the adjuster not only meets, but exceeds the standards they may be looking for. We also reply to all inquiries from insurers to verify that the member is in good standing, and comes with our high recommendation.

The Society
The Society of General Adjusters, an association of professionals, was founded upon the premise to afford its members the opportunity to better serve the adjusting community at large.
Certified General Adjuster (CGA) Designation
The Society of General Adjusters is the only international society to provide the "Certified General Adjuster" (CGA) designation recognizing those who qualify, separating them from the self-appointed general adjusters.
Certified Flood General Adjuster (CFGA) Designation
The Society offers a special designation for flood adjusters, "Certified Flood General Adjuster" (CFGA). This designation recognizes those adjusters who not only are a Certified General Adjuster, but also meet those criteria specializing in Flood claims (both NFIP and private flood).
Become a member today!
Membership is open to all who qualify or by invitation from an existing member in good standing. Exemptions are made for those who demonstrate a special ability and/or experience that has been recognized by The Society.
Membership, upon approval, is a one time payment. Members are deemed life members!
frequently asked questions
Qualification for the CGA Designation and membership in The Society must be approved by the Board of Directors. Depending on the applicant’s qualifications, the process can take 7 to 10 days.
The average acceptance rate of the CGA Designation is 75%. Acceptance is based on Board Approval once resume’ and application has been reviewed, as well as reference checks (and results) have been completed and considered. Applicants may also receive a phone call from a Board Member to have a brief “interview”.
Please fill out the application for the Desk Adjuster or the Field Adjuster and we'll be in touch after we've reviewed your application.

Get In Touch
Please use the contact form below and a member of The Society team will be happy to assist.